

AT The overall management of the college is vested with the State Government. How ever, at the institutional level, the Principal is responsible for day-to-day administration and is assisted by a Vi   Vice-Principal. Besides, the three major aspects of the organization, namely the Academic, the Accounts and the Administrative affairs are supervised by three Senior Faculty members acting as   Bursars. The admission of students to the college is monitored by a Committee headed by the Principal, while matters relating to examinations are looked after by the Controller of Examinations


The management system of the college is transparent and participatory in nature. There are various Statutory and Non-Statutory committees to look into different aspects of administration. The composition and functions of the statutory committees are indicated in the table below.

Name of the Committee


Role of the committee

Executive Committee

Ten members as per UGC guidelines

Principal Body for the management of the college

Academic Council

Principal, Vice-Principal, all Heads of the Departments and four nominees of the EC, who are eminent scholars in Commerce, Industry, Law, Medicine, Engineering and representative of the parent University

It is the apex body for all academic matters. It formulates Rules and Regulations and decides the policy on execution of academic programmes.

Board of Studies

Faculty members of the concerned subject two external experts and one representative of the parent university

Designing of curriculum and prescribe the syllabus, suggest names of experts for setting of question and evaluation.

Examination Committee

Principal is the Chairperson and the Controller of Examination is the Secretary. Two external Experts and three senior faculty members.

Decision and Policy making Body on all aspects of Examination, valuation of answer scripts and publication of results.

Finance Committee

Principal is the Chairperson; a senior faculty member is nominated as the Secretary, one expert nominated by EC.

It is an advisory body to the EC in all-financial matters. It prepares the Budget and it oversees the college Audited Accounts after which it is placed before the EC.


Besides the afore mentioned committees, there are also a number of non-statutory committees with the Principal as the Chairperson. These committees advise the Principal as and when necessary on specific issues. These committees are: 

  •     Grievances Committee
  •     Development Committee
  •     Purchase Committee
  •     Library Committee
  •     Admission Committee (UG/PG Regular Mode)
  •      Admission Committee (Self-Financing under PPP mode)
  •     Discipline Committee
  •     Residence Committee
  •     Planning and Evaluation Committee
  • Monitoring Committee (Self-Financing courses under PPP mode)




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