

1. Name of the Department its year of establishment: MATHEMATICS, 1957

2. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.): UG (Math. Hons), Math (Pass), Math (major elective), Math( Minor elective)

3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved: Yes

4. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system: Semester

5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Yes

6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors)





Associate Professors(Readers)



Asst. Professors


7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialisation (D.Sc./D.Litt./ Ph.D./M.Phil., etc.)

Name Qualification Designation Specialization No. of Years of Experience No. of Ph.D. students guided in the last 4 years
Dr Nandita Tripathy M.Sc.,M.Phil,Ph.D Reader   32 Nil
Sri.Manas Bhuyan M.Sc,M.Phil Reader Analysis,Fluid dynamics 20 Nil

8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty programme-wise information: Nil

9. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio:125:001

10.Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned and filled: Nil

11.Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise.:- Nil

12.Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants received: NIL

13.Research facility / centre with:NIL

  • state recognition: Yes
  • national recognition:Yes
  • international recognition:
  • number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international):International-01,National-04
  • Monographs: Nil
  • Chapter(s) in Books: Nil
  • Editing Books : Nil
  • Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers: (A modern approach to Discrete Mathematics-ByT. K. Tripathy,J.K. Mantry-Published by University Science Press,Laxmi Publication ,Delhi to know Your Mathe matics-By-T.K.Tripathy-Published by S B Publication Cuttack)
  • Nnumber listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.)

14.Details of patents and income generated : Nil

15.Areas of consultancy and income generated : Nil

16. Faculty recharging strategies attending seminars/workshops/refresher course regularly : Yes

17 .Student projects

  • percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental:100%(HONOURS STUDENTS)
  • percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes : Nil

18.Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by : Nil

  • Faculty-Prof.Tripathy was awarded three gold medals at PG level By Utkal University for academic exellance.
  • Doctoral / post doctoral fellows
  • Students

19.Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. Seminar (UGC): Nil

Student profile course-wise:

Name of the Course

(refer question no. 2)

Applications received


Male / Female

Pass percentage

Male / Female

Hons: I Year 358 48  
II Yr   48  
III Yr   48 93.33

Diversity of students:

Name of the Course

(refer question no. 2)

% of students from the College

% of students from the State

% of students from other States

% of students from other countries






How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations?NO information

Student progression

Student progression Percentage against enrolled
UG to PG 80%
PG to M.Phil.  
PG to Ph.D.  
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral  
  • Campus selection
  • Other than campus recruitment


Diversity of staff

Percentage of faculty who are graduates

of the same parent university


from other universities within the State


from other universities from other States


Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period. : 02

Present details about infrastructural facilities:

  • Library: Seminar Library
  • Internet facilities for staff and students: NiL
  • Total number of class rooms: 01 exclussive shares other classrooms
  • Class rooms with ICT facility: No
  • Students laboratories: 01
  • Research laboratories: Nil

Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College: 20

Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)? If so, give the methodology. : Yes ,by the Board of studies.

Does the department obtain feedback from Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it? : Yes, Utilised for updating curriculum Students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same?: Yes. Feedback is analysed and problems are accordingly addressed. Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same?: Considered in the meetings of the appropriate committees.

List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10):



Epsilon Das

Vice president of a S/W Company at Califonia, USA.


Pradeepta Mohanty

Director, CAIROF Export Pvt. Ltd



Prof. KIIT University


Santosh Mishra



Satya Kumar Champatiray

Asst. Prof. SILICON


Tarini Jena



Radha Mohan Patnaik

GM in Indian Overseas Bank


Nalini acharya

Utkal University, Comp.Centre


Ajay Singh

Sr. Lecturer, PN College,Khurda


Swati Mishra

South Africa

Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts:Every year seminars are arranged with renouned speakers as follows

Name of the Presenter


Address of Presenter

Topics Delivered

Dr. Prasanna Ku. Satapathy


ITER, Bhubaneswar

Group Theory

Prof. Bishnu Prasad Acharya


ITER, Bhubaneswar

Numerical Medhods

Prof. Gokulananda Dash


Retd. V.C Utkal University, BBSR

Automata Theory

Prof. Swadhinanda Pattanaik


Retd. V.C Sambalpur University and

Director Institute of Mathematics

Graph Theory

Dr. Rajani Ballav Dash


Retd. Principal I/C

SCS College Puri

Solun of a System of Linear Equation.

  • List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes: Lecture method using color boards,PPTs Practicals using Computers.
  • How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored?: Prior planning and monitoring through discussion and continuous evaluations are made to ensure that the objectives are reached.
  • Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities: Participation in NCC,NSS Rovers and rangers etc.


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